(270) 351-6032

Can Anyone Help Me Financially While I Wait For A Decision On My Disability Case?

Can Anyone Help Me Financially While I Wait For A Decision On My Disability Case?Becoming disabled is a frightening experience because you are not only dealing with the physical and emotional aspects of being disabled but you are also dealing with the financial burden of being unable to pay for your necessary living expenses. Most people do not have the savings or resources available to wait for over a year to be approved for Social Security Disability. Unfortunately, the typical application process for a Social Security Disability Claim can take up to or over a year. During this time, many individuals turn to outside sources for financial help while they wait on their disability case to be decided.

Social Security Disability attorneys cannot change the time requirements associated with processing a disability case; however, hiring an attorney can decrease the amount of time you may lose from making mistakes with the paperwork. You are required to complete a variety of forms and provide numerous documents in your disability case. Attorneys with experience handling disability cases know exactly what needs to be provided and how to complete each form. The attorneys of Musselwhite Meinhart & Staples, PSC have over 50 years of combined experience helping individuals with disability cases.

Receiving Financial Assistance While Processing

a Disability Case

In most cases, Social Security claims are not affected by outside financial help during the claims process. The determination whether you are disabled is not based on whether you receive financial help from outside sources. Your disability is based on your physical condition. However, if you are in doubt about receiving financial support while you are waiting on your disability case to be decided, you should consult with your Social Security Disability lawyer before doing anything that could harm your disability case.

If you need help financially during the disability claims process, you should contact your county Department of Social Services. They can provide you with information on various local and state programs designed to help those in need. You should also check with your church or other local non-profit organizations to get information about local charities that help the disabled and/or those in need. For some people, they are able to turn to family and friends for financial assistance while they wait for their disability case to be decided.

Again, it is important to note that you should be careful about the type and amount of outside financial help you receive while waiting for your disability case to be finalized. This is another reason you want an experienced attorney representing you in your Social Security Disability claim. Your attorney will discuss outside financial assistance with you in order to make sure that you do not do anything to harm your chances of being approved for Social Security Disability.

Contact an Experienced Radcliff and Elizabethtown Social Security Disability Attorney

We’ve Helped Thousands of KY Families, we can help you!

The Social Security lawyers of Musselwhite Meinhart & Staples, PSC have over 50 years of combined legal experience. If you are having trouble with your Social Security disability claim, we can help you. We represent clients throughout central Kentucky.

Contact us at our Radcliff and Elizabethtown Office in Hardin County at (270) 351-6032 or toll-free at 1-800-754-HELP to schedule a free consultation with one of our attorneys. You may also contact our office through our convenient online contact form.