(270) 351-6032

Can I Do A Drug Treatment Program Instead Of Jail For Drug Charges in Elizabethtown?

Can I Do A Drug Treatment Program Instead Of Jail For Drug Charges?In one of his monthly columns, Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway said, “We must invest in treatment because there aren’t enough jail cells and there aren’t courtrooms to arrest our way out of this epidemic.” He was referring to the increasing number of deaths attributed to heroin in Kentucky. The good news is that with the $32 million from pharmaceutical settlements, the state is developing more drug treatment programs and facilities to help those who are suffering from drug addiction.

Criminal Defense of Drug Charges in Elizabethtown, Kentucky

Facing drug charges in Elizabethtown, Kentucky is both frightening and serious. It is illegal for persons to manufacture, distribute, transport or possess a controlled substance with the intent to sell or distribute. It is also illegal for anyone to obtain prescription drugs from a medical professional or obtain a prescription for a controlled substance under false pretenses. The penalties for drug crimes vary greatly from fines and drug treatment programs to incarceration in a state penitentiary.

The state aggressively prosecutes drug crimes to the fullest extent under the law. Your freedom and finances are at jeopardy when you are charged with a drug crime. It is important that you have an experienced criminal defense lawyer at your side to protect your rights and fight to ensure that you are treated fairly within the Kentucky criminal justice system. Our experienced and skilled drug defense attorneys understand the laws governing drug offenses in Elizabethtown, Kentucky. They have extensive experience defending a variety of drug charges from simple misdemeanors to felonies. In some cases, you may be able to complete a drug treatment program instead of going to jail.

Drug Treatment Program & Diversion Programs in Elizabethtown, Kentucky

Our criminal defense attorneys can advise you of your legal options regarding plea bargaining and going to trial. Depending on the circumstances of your case, it may be in your best interest to plea down to a lower charge or to present an aggressive defense during a trial. In some cases, you may be able to participate in a drug treatment program or diversion program rather than serve time in jail for your drug charge.

Depending on the type of drug charge, you may qualify for deferred prosecution. These are typically available for defendants charged with possession of a controlled substance. The deferred prosecution allows the defendant to attend a drug treatment program or substance abuse program rather than pleading guilty. Upon completion of the substance abuse program or drug treatment program, the criminal charges against you are dismissed and your court record is sealed.

Contact an Experienced Elizabethtown Criminal Defense Attorney

We’ve Helped Thousands of KY Families, we can help you!

The criminal defense attorneys of Musselwhite Meinhart & Staples, PSC have over 50 years of combined legal experience. If you have been arrested on a Kentucky drug offense, we can help you. We represent clients throughout Central Kentucky.

Contact us at our Radcliff and Elizabethtown Office in Hardin County at (270) 351-6032 or toll-free at 1-800-754-HELP to schedule a free consultation with one of our attorneys. You may also contact our office through our convenient online contact form.