(270) 351-6032

Divorce In Elizabethtown: Can I Make My Spouse Move Out Of The Marital Home?

Can I Make My Spouse Move Out Of The Marital Home?Going through a divorce is an emotional and stressful experience. There are many questions that must be answered such as who will move out of the marital home, who will have custody of the children, who pays the marital bills and will alimony be paid. Dealing with all of the issues involved in dissolving a marriage can be overwhelming; however, there is help. Our attorneys have extensive experience helping individuals navigate the divorce process beginning with who will move out of the marital home through who will have final possession of this large marital asset.

Divorce and the Marital Home

For most couples, the marital home is the largest marital asset they have accumulated during their marriage. The question of who should remain in the marital home and who should receive the equity in the marital home is often a hotly debated issue within the divorce. Many couples agree which spouse will move out of the marital home once they decide that the marriage is over; however, for some spouses, this is not the case.

If you have decided that you want to end your marriage, it is best to consult with our experienced divorce attorneys before you move out of the marital home or try to force your spouse to move out. Because each situation is different, we cannot tell you with absolute certainty that you can force your spouse to move out until we have met with you and we understand the facts of your case.

In many cases, the parent who will have primary care of the children will remain in the marital home with the children. This helps the children feel safe and secure during the divorce process. However, remaining in the marital home for the sake of the children does not necessarily mean that you will receive a greater interest in the equity of the home. That will be determined later in the divorce process when we deal with the distribution of assets.

Domestic Violence and the Marital Home

If you and/or your children are the victims of domestic abuse, your first step is to protect yourself and your children. You should contact our office immediately to discuss the steps you need to take to protect yourself and your children. This may include vacating the marital home until we can file an emergency petition asking that the court order that your spouse must vacate the marital home. It is important that you take immediate steps. We can help you but you must contact our office as soon as possible so that we can take the necessary steps for the court to intervene in the situation.

Contact an Experienced Elizabethown Divorce Attorney

We’ve Helped Thousands of Kentucky Families, we can help you!

The family law attorneys of Musselwhite Meinhart & Staples, PSC have over 50 years of combined legal experience. If you are going through a divorce, we can help you. We represent clients throughout central Kentucky inlcuding Jefferson County, Hardin County, and Meade County.

Contact us at our Radcliff and Elizabethtown Office in Hardin County at (270) 351-6032 or at 1-800-754-HELP to schedule a free consultation with one of our attorneys. You may also contact our office through our convenient online contact form.