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What Are the Common Causes of Trucking Accidents in Kentucky?

trucking accidents in radcliff kentuckyAlthough we have seen advances in science, medicine, and technology over the last century in the United States we have yet to come up with a more efficient method of transporting goods and supplies from point A to point B than through the use of tractor-trailers. For this reason, we continue to depend on these giants of the roadway. Most truck drivers are excellent drivers and are extremely conscientious when on the roadways; however, large trucks are disproportionately involved in collisions each year in America. While a semi-truck can cause an accident for a wide variety of reasons, some of the more common causes of trucking accidents in Kentucky and across the country include:

  • Drowsy driving – truckers frequently spend long hours on the roadway, often trying to adhere to near impossible delivery schedules. Although federal law limits the amount of time a truck driver can be behind the wheel, not all drivers abide by the laws. Even those who do can become drowsy after a long week behind the wheel.
  • Distracted driving – in the 21st century, handheld electronic devices cause an unparalleled number of collisions on the nation’s roadways. Although federal law also prohibits truckers from texting and driving, not all obey the ban. Even those who do can be just as dangerous using a GPS device or other device that takes their eyes off the road or hands off the wheel.
  • Speed/aggressive driving  – tractor-trailers do have the ability to rule the roadway; however, that does not mean they should drive aggressively or speed. On the contrary, large trucks should be even more cautious because of their size. An aggressively driving truck can cause serious accidents.
  • Alcohol/drugs – while drunk driving collisions have decreased throughout the country in recent years, drinking and driving remains a leading cause of accidents. Drugged driving is another common cause. Illegal drugs are certainly a problem; however, even over the counter or prescription drugs can cause a driver to become drowsy or sick while operating a big rig.
  • Equipment defects – truckers are required by law to do routine inspections of their vehicle frequently. While most do, some drivers and/or companies forego inspections or repairs as a means of saving money and time. Unfortunately, that can lead to serious vehicle or equipment defects that can cause an accident.

If you have been injured in a trucking accident you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. Contact an experienced Kentucky trucking accident attorney to find out what legal options you may have.

To learn more, please download our free Kentucky trucking accident lawsuits report here.

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