(270) 351-6032

Kentucky Teen Drivers at Greater Risk for Car Accidents

Kentucky Teen Drivers at Greater Risk for Car AccidentsOne of the most frightening things as a parent is when you give your teen driver the keys to the car and watch `him or her leave the safe confines of your driveway and ride out into a world filled with reckless drivers concerned more with their electronic devices or speeding to get where they are going than the other people on the road. Unfortunately, teen drivers are involved in motor vehicles accidents due to their own inexperience behind the wheel of a vehicle. During their first year of driving, teen drivers are 10 times more likely to be involved in an automobile accident. During 2014, Kentucky reported 23,679 accidents involving teen drivers resulting in 97 deaths and 7,118 injuries.

The personal injury attorneys of Musselwhite Meinhart & Staples, PSC understand the complexities of motor vehicle accidents involving teen drivers. We are prepared to help you and your family as you deal with the damages from an automobile accident. Monetary judgments cannot undo the damages caused by an automobile accident; however, they can help provide for the medical and personal care you need as you continue to recover from your injuries. A settlement also reimburses you for past and future lost wages so that you can continue to provide for you family and for yourself.

Helping Your Teen Drivers Stay Safe on Our Roads

According to the Kentucky Office of Highway Safety, there are five major contributors to the number of accidents involving teen drivers in Kentucky. If parents take the time to learn and research these factors, they can educate their teen drivers about these dangers and teach them how to avoid them.

  • Lack of Driving Experiencing

Teen drivers do not have the same level of driving experience that more mature drivers have; therefore, they do not use sound judgment when driving. Kentucky’s graduated driver license program is designed to help reduce the risk of accidents caused by lack of driving inexperience in teen drivers.

  • Distracted Driving

This is a serious problem for adult drivers; however, teen drivers may not fully understand the dangers of driving while texting, talking on their cell phones, eating or drinking, changing the music, or interacting with passengers. It is important to teach teen drivers that they must keep 100% of their focus on driving when they are behind the wheel of a vehicle.

  • Seatbelt Use

Again, some adults have an issue with buckling up. Kentucky seatbelt laws require that all drivers and passengers must be restrained while in the vehicle. Teach your teen drivers to always buckle up by being a good example yourself.

  • Impaired Driving

Kentucky has a zero tolerance for underage impaired driving. Teach your teen drivers that underage drinking (and drug use) is not only illegal but it is an additional criminal charge to drive after drinking any amount of alcohol or after using any drug, prescription or illegal, that impairs the driver’s ability to operate the vehicle.

  • Aggressive Driving

Teen drivers take risky behavior behind the wheel of a car. In some cases, they learn this from their parents and other adults. Teach your teen drivers that they must not follow too closely, weave in and out of traffic, or exceed the speed limit. Driving recklessly and aggressively causes crashes that result in horrific injuries.

Have You Been Injured in an Automobile Accident in Kentucky?

Contact an Experienced Kentucky Personal Injury Attorney

We’ve Helped Thousands of KY Families, we can help you!

The personal injury lawyers of Musselwhite Meinhart & Staples, PSC have over 50 years of combined legal experience helping clients who have been injured in motor vehicle accidents in Kentucky. We help you and your family receive the compensation you deserve for your damages and loses.

We represent clients throughout central Kentucky. Contact us at our Radcliff and Elizabethtown Office in Hardin County at (270) 351-6032 or toll-free at 1-800-754-HELP to schedule a consultation with one of our motor vehicle accident attorneys. You may also contact our office through our convenient online contact form.