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Do I Need a DUI Lawyer for Drugged Driving in Kentucky?

Do I Need a DUI Lawyer for Drugged Driving in Kentucky?Drugs and Driving – What Do You Need To Know from a Kentucky DUI Lawyer

The first thing you need to understand about drugs and driving is that it is a crime. Drugged driving is treated the same as drunk driving under Kentucky DUI laws. The penalties for drugged driving are severe even for a first offense. Drugged driving, or driving while impaired, not only has the potential for serious legal consequences including fines and prison, drugged driving can also have negative impacts on your employment opportunities, educational choices, and a permanent criminal record.

To learn more about drugged driving in Kentucky, read the information provided below by our DUI lawyer.

How Does Kentucky Define DUI?

DUI is an abbreviation for “driving under the influence” while DWI is an abbreviation used for ‘driving while intoxicated” or “driving while impaired.” Regardless of the abbreviation used, driving under the influence of drugs or while impaired by drugs is just as criminal as driving under the influence or impairment of alcohol.

The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet states that DWI/DUI is driving while under the influence of an intoxicant such as alcohol or under the influence of any substance that will impair driving such as prescription drugs, illegal drugs, over-the-counter medications, and inhalants (i.e. glue, spray paint, gasoline, etc.).  The law is extremely broad to include any substances that can influence or impair the driver’s ability to operate a motor vehicle.

If you have been charged with drugged driving, you need an experienced DUI lawyer immediately. You are facing severe penalties including jail time and large fines. In addition to contacting an attorney to understand your rights about drugged driving, you should also be familiar with some other important Kentucky DUI facts.

Impaired Driving vs. Intoxicated Driving in Kentucky

Impaired driving is not the same thing as intoxicated driving in Kentucky. As with every state in the United States, Kentucky has established a threshold that determines if a driver is intoxicated while operating a motor vehicle.  Kentucky’s lawmakers have established that blood or breath alcohol content of .08 or higher is sufficient to prove that the driver was intoxicated at the time he or she was operating a motor vehicle. This is sufficient to convict a person of drunken driving in Kentucky.

However, impaired driving is a different type of criminal charge with different elements the state must prove for a conviction. Impaired driving simply states that you are operating a vehicle while impaired by drugs, alcohol, or another substance. Because the law regarding impaired driving is much more broad, it is crucial that you seek the help of an experienced DUI lawyer if you are charged with impaired driving or drugged driving because the penalties for a conviction is just as severe as drunk driving.

Is There a Different Standard for Drivers Under The

Age of 21?

Yes, drivers under the age of 21 are presumed to be intoxicated and under the influence of alcohol if their have a blood or breath alcohol level of .02 or above.

Is There a Different Standard for Commercial Truck Drivers?

Commercial truck drivers also have a lower BAC level according to Kentucky law. If a Commercial truck driver has a BAC level of .04 or above, the truck driver is considered to be intoxicated under Kentucky DUI laws.  Furthermore, commercial truck drivers with any detectable amount of controlled substance and/or alcohol in their system may be placed out of service for 24 hours.

It is imperative if you are charged with drugged driving or drunk driving, you contact a Kentucky DUI lawyer now.

Contact an Experienced Kentucky DUI Lawyer

We’ve Helped Thousands of KY Families, we can help you!

When you need a DUI lawyer in Kentucky, call Musselwhite Meinhart & Staples, PSC for help. Facing a drugged driving charging is frightening; however, having an experienced DUI lawyer on your inside can help reduce your stress level. An experienced DUI lawyer understands Kentucky driving while impaired laws and how to protect your right to a fair trial. Remember, you are innocent until the state proves you guilty; therefore, do not plead guilty or accept a plea agreement until you consult with our DUI lawyer.

Musselwhite Meinhart & Staples, PSC represents clients throughout central Kentucky. Contact our office by calling 270-351-6032 to schedule a consultation with an experienced DUI lawyer. You may also contact our office through our convenient online contact form.