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Do I Need A Car Accident Lawyer For A Hit And Run Accident?

Do I Need A Car Accident Lawyer For A Hit And Run Accident?Hit-and-run accidents are a problem throughout central Kentucky and the United States. Drivers flee the scene of an accident leaving the accident victims to deal with the consequences of that driver’s poor choices and decisions. A Kentucky car accident lawyer may still be able to help you get the compensation you deserve even in a hit-and-run accident.

Even though Kentucky law states that a driver must stop and remain at the scene of an accident, there are hundreds of cases each year where drivers cause horrific accidents and leave the scene before police arrive. Some recent examples of drivers ignoring this law include:

  • Two people were injured in a late-night hit-and-run accident in Lexington, KY in October 2015. The victims told police they had stopped at a stop sign when someone rear-ended them. The victims were transported to the hospital for treatment.
  • A high school student was hospitalized and in a coma after a hit-and-run driver struck him while he was on his way to school in September 2015. The young man required surgery but was recovering according to reports.

Why Do Drivers Leave the Scene of an Accident?

As a car accident lawyer, we hear many stories of horrific car accidents caused by hit-and-run drivers. No one knows for sure why someone would cause an accident and leave; however, there are several reasons we can assume. Some drivers may not have automobile insurance or may not have a valid driver’s license. Other drivers may fear being charged with a serious crime such DUI or DWI. Some drivers simply do not want to see an increase in their insurance rates.

Regardless of the reasons why a person may leave the scene of an accident, that person can be charged with a separate criminal offense under Kentucky’s hit-and-run statute in addition to the traffic offense associated with the car accident.

What Should I Do After a Hit-and-Run Accident?

  • Call 911 for Help – Your health is your number one priority. Seek immediate medical attention for your injuries. If your injuries do not require immediate medical care, see your family physician as soon as possible after the accident. Ask the police for a copy of the accident report to provide to your car accident lawyer.
  • Get Eyewitness Information – Get the names and contact information for any witnesses to the hit-and-run accident. This may help police find the person who caused the accident but it will also help your car accident lawyer in his investigation of the accident. Eyewitness testimony can be very important in a car accident claim.
  • Photograph the Accident Scene – If possible, take photographs of the accident scene or ask someone to do that for you. The accident scene is likely to change by the time you hire a car accident lawyer and he begins his investigation. Having pictures of the accident scene right after the crash can be very useful in your case.
  • Notify Your Insurance Company – Put your insurance company on notice that you have been involved in a hit-and-run accident. Provide the company with a copy of the police report; however, do NOT provide a written or recorded statement to the insurance company. Do NOT sign any releases or other documents until you have consulted with a car accident lawyer. Even though you may be dealing with your own insurance company in the event of a hit-and-run accident, you must still be very careful not to do anything that could harm your claim.
  • Contact of Musselwhite Meinhart & Staples, PSC Immediately! You need an experienced car accident lawyer to help you prepare a claim to get the compensation you deserve for your injuries. Our attorneys have the skills, resources, and experience you need to protect your right to a fair and just settlement of your hit-and-run accident claim.

Contact an Experienced Kentucky Car Accident Lawyer

We’ve Helped Thousands of KY Families, we can help you!

When you need a car accident lawyer, the attorneys of Musselwhite Meinhart & Staples, PSC are ready to help you. We understand that being injured in a car accident is a traumatic experience. When this involves a hit-and run driver, it can be even more stressful as you worry about how to pay medical bills and pay your living expenses until you can return to work. You may still be entitled to receive compensation even though the at-fault driver is unknown. We encourage you to contact our office for a free case evaluation.

Our law firm represents clients throughout central Kentucky. Contact our office to schedule a free consultation by using our online contact form or by calling 270-506-4052.