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How Can A Kentucky Crime Lawyer Help Me If I Was Stopped With Drugs In My Car?

How Can A Kentucky Crime Lawyer Help Me If I Was Stopped With Drugs In My Car?If you are in possession of drugs when you are stopped by police officers in Kentucky, you will likely be charged with possession of drugs. In some cases, you may also be charged with drug trafficking and other drug offenses. This may be the case even though the drugs found in your vehicle do not belong to you. It is important that you contact a crime lawyer as soon as possible.

The only way to ensure that you are not charged with possession of drugs or other Kentucky drug charges is not to have drugs in your vehicle or on your person. However, if you are pulled over by a police officer and you do have drugs in your vehicle, it is important to remember the following do’s and don’ts if you are stopped by law enforcement officers.

  • Always be respectful when you are pulled over by law enforcement officers. Confronting the police in a hostile manner will only lead to a search of your vehicle. However, do not make the mistake of thinking that the officer is your friend. He is there to do his job; therefore, be polite but do not offer strike up a friendly conversation with the officer. Many times this can lead to you giving information that can be used against you.
  • Never voluntarily consent to the search of your vehicle or property. You are protected against unreasonable searches and seizures by the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Exercise your right by politely refusing the officer’s request to search your vehicle, person, or property. The officer must establish probable cause to the court in order for any evidence found in your vehicle from a search to be used against you.
  • Make sure that your vehicle’s tags and taxes are always current and the vehicle is in good working order. You do not want to give an officer a reason to pull you over.
  • Do not violate Kentucky traffic laws. If you have drugs in your vehicle, being pulled over for speeding gives the officer a chance to search your vehicle and find drugs.
  • Make sure that you know each of the passengers in your vehicle. If you are stopped by a police officer, any drugs found in your vehicle can result in a drug charge against you as the owner of the vehicle even if those drugs do not belong to you. You are presumed to know what is in your vehicle at all times.
  • Never try to outrun police. Evading the police is a separate criminal charge to any drug charges that you may face. Trying to run from the police puts yourself and others in danger. It is better to fight one drug charge instead of multiple criminal charges.
  • Do not smoke marijuana in your vehicle. The smell of drugs is sufficient probably cause for law enforcement to search your vehicle. If you are smoking marijuana in your vehicle, trying to cover up the smell will alert law enforcement to the fact that you have drugs in your vehicle.
  • Invoke your right to remain silent. Telling “your side of the story” is never helpful. If you are arrested for possession of drugs, invoke your right to remain silent and not answer any questions without first consulting with a crime lawyer. Contact our office immediately to speak with a crime lawyer to understand your legal rights before answering any questions for the police.
  • Do not mistake that you are not under arrest if the officers have not read you your Miranda rights. The officers are only required to provide the Miranda Warning if they intend to use any information you provide against you in court. Again, invoke your right to remain silent and remain silent.

Contact an Experienced Kentucky Crime Lawyer

We’ve Helped Thousands of KY Families, we can help you!

The Kentucky crime lawyer of Musselwhite Meinhart & Staples, PSC has the experience, skills, knowledge, and resources you need on your side when facing a drug charge in Kentucky. A conviction on a drug charge carries severe penalties in the state of Kentucky. In order to mitigate the negative consequences, you need a crime lawyer working on your behalf as soon as possible. If you have been charged with a drug crime or you believe you are being investigated for a drug crime, contact our office immediately to discuss your case with an experienced crime lawyer.

Musselwhite Meinhart & Staples, PSC represents clients throughout central Kentucky. Contact our office by calling 270-506-4052 to schedule a free consultation with an experienced crime lawyer. You may also contact our office through our convenient online contact form.